
Radiological Features of Isolated Unilateral Absence of the Pulmonary Artery

MWC Yiu, DV Le, Y Leung, CGC Ooi

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:277-80

We report a case of isolated unilateral absence of the pulmonary artery, a rare congenital anomaly, in a woman with exertional dyspnoea. The chest radiograph appearances of this anomaly are often mistaken for other conditions, such as Swyer-James-MacLeod’s syndrome or

Fracture of the Costal Cartilage: Computed Tomography Assists Diagnosis

WC Torreggiani, ID Lyburn, F Thornton, MJ Lee

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:274-6

Rib fractures are common and almost always involve the osseous component of a rib. They are typically diagnosed on plain film. Fractures of the costal cartilage are rare and are invisible on plain film. We describe a case in which

A New Method for Fixation of Drainage Catheters

BJJ Abdullah

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:272-3

This technical note reports on a new method of anchoring drainage catheters developed at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, based on the use of cable ties. This method can be implemented at a fraction of the cost of commercial

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of the Clivus and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

KT Wong, YL Chan, C Metreweli

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:268-71

Objectives: To establish the age-related distribution of clival marrow magnetic resonance imaging appearances in ethnic Chinese and to compare these findings with the clival marrow magnetic resonance imaging appearances seen in Chinese patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Materials and Methods: T1-weighted

Viewing Conditions in Diagnostic Imaging: A Survey of Selected Malaysian Hospitals

S Lau, KH Ng, BJJ Abdullah

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:264-7

Objectives: To assess the appropriateness of viewbox and display monitor luminance and radiology reading room illumination in selected Malaysian hospitals.

Materials and Methods: The luminance of viewboxes was measured in 4 hospitals, along with the display monitors in 1 of

Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging and Single Voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Suspected Recurrent Brain Tumour or Radiation Necrosis

YL Chan, H Schlemmer, DKW Yeung, T Wilhelm, P Bachert

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:259-63

Objective: To qualitatively and quantitatively compare spectra obtained on single voxel spectroscopy and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in suspected recurrence of brain tumour or radiation necrosis.

Patients and Methods: Six patients with suspected recurrence of brain tumour or radiation necrosis

Multislice Spiral Computed Tomography in Cardiac Imaging

C Hong, C Becker, R Bruening, MF Reiser

Hong Kong J Radiol 2001;4:252-8

Objective: Multislice computed tomography is an emerging technology with the potential for non-invasive coronary investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and limitations of multislice computed tomography in the detection of coronary artery disease.

Patients and Methods:

Central Nervous System Tuberculosis

JLS Khoo, KY Lau, CM Cheung, TH Tsoi

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:217-28

The imaging findings of 9 patients with central nervous system tuberculosis are presented to highlight the typical findings and some complications. Lesions may involve the meninges, brain, and spinal cord. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is the best imaging modality for

Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumour of the Bile Ducts

EPY Fung, WH Luk, S Lau, TK Loke, JCS Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:214-6

This report is of a rare case of intraductal papillary mucinous tumour of the bile ducts. As diffuse biliary duct dilatation can be the only radiological finding, it may be difficult to differentiate this condition from recurrent pyogenic cholangitis which

Carotid Artery Occlusion in a Patient with Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease

JLY Leung, JYL Cheung, TC Tan, KW Tang, CM Chan, LC Ho, SCH Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:211-3

Intracranial involvement of Rosai-Dorfman disease is rare. Central nervous system involvement occurs in less than 5% of patients. To date, there have only been 52 patients with this condition reported in 41 articles. This report is of a patient with

Solitary Fibrous Tumour of the Urinary Bladder

FCY Lam, JLY Leung, PWY Lam, TL Kwan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:208-10

Solitary fibrous tumour is an uncommon fibrous neoplasm. It was first described in the pleura, although extrapleural sites have also been reported. Solitary fibrous tumour arising from the urinary tract is rare. This report is of a patient with solitary

Type IV Spinal Arteriovenous Malformation in a Child

A Li, YYR Chan, CY Lui, S Lau, KL Mak, HS Lam

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:204-7

A 4-year-old boy presented with motor weakness and was subsequently found to have intraspinal extramedullary arteriovenous malformation (type IV C arteriovenous malformation) at the cervical region. Angiographic embolisation was performed. This patient illustrates the clinical inconspicuousness of spinal arteriovenous malformation

Abdominal Cocoon Syndrome

S Ranganathan, BJJ Abdullah, V Sivanesaratnam

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:201-3

The abdominal cocoon syndrome was first described as a rare condition where part of or the whole small bowel is encased within a fibrous membrane. This report is of a 25-year-old Chinese woman who presented with increasing abdominal distension and

Comparison of Spot Digital and Conventional Mammography in the Evaluation of Microcalcifications

KKT Pak, JLF Chiu, CS Kwok, SC Wong, SY Yiu, SCH Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:195-200

Objective: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of spot digital and conventional screen-film mammography and the influence of clinical data on the characterisation of microcalcifications.

Patients and Methods: Twenty nine patients with 30 groups of microcalcifications were studied. Two radiologists assessed

Quantitative Analysis of Artifacts Created by Metallic Orthopaedic Implants

SK Yu, WL Poon, KF Lai, MK Yuen

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:191-4

Objective: To evaluate the magnitude of artifacts created by different materials commonly used in orthopaedic implants and their variation with the distance from the implants.

Patients and Methods: Metallic orthopaedic implants made of 3 different types of materials (stainless steel,

Scan Mode Performance of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Bone Densitometer

SK Yu, KM Ma, SK Cheung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:187-90

Objective: A commercially available dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scanner normally provides more than 1 scan mode. The differences between scan modes affect scan time, received radiation dose, and quality of the scan image. A phantom study was performed

Radiotherapy for Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas

WM Mendenhall, RJ Amdur, CG Morris, WA Friedman

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:183-6

Objective: To determine the outcome after radiotherapy for optic nerve sheath meningiomas.

Patients and Methods: Six patients were treated with conventional (1 patient) or stereotactic (5 patients) radiotherapy and were followed up from 3.1 to 9.9 years (mean, 6.2 years).

Uterine Artery Embolisation for the Treatment of Symptomatic Uterine Leiomyomata—Technique

R Ryan, C Johnston, N McEniff

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:173-6

Uterine leiomyomata (fibroids) are extremely commonly encountered in gynaecological practice. Treatment has traditionally focused on medical and surgical modalities, but the interventional radiology technique of uterine artery embolisation has evolved as an alternative in the past few years. The purpose

Advances in Endocrine Therapy for Early and Advanced Breast Cancer

AU Buzdar

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:165-72

Significant advances have been made in the treatment of breast cancer since the link was made between the endocrine system and the disease more than 100 years ago. Tamoxifen was the first successful endocrine therapy although, despite its proven effectiveness,

Kasaback-Merritt Syndrome Treated by Transarterial Embolisation of Giant Cavernous Haemangioma

EPY Fung, WH Luk, TK Loke, JCS Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:162-4

Cavernous haemangiomas of the liver are the most common benign tumours of the liver. With modern imaging modalities, haemangiomas are detected more frequently. This report describes a patient with a giant cavernous haemangioma with consumptive coagulopathy that was successfully treated

Vertebral Artery Dissection in a 5-year-old Child: Serial Magnetic Resonance Angiography Appearance

TW Fan, KW Tang, KF Chan, SP Wu

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:158-61

This report is of a 5-year-old boy presenting with complex partial seizures. These were subsequently found to be due to vertebral artery dissection by magnetic resonance imaging and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. Serial changes of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography

An Unusual Case of Pure Germinoma in a Patient With Tourette's Syndrome

HD Pacholke, DW Pincus, NP Mendenhall

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:155-7

Tourette’s syndrome is a rare, neuropsychiatric disorder of complex aetiology. Although the exact mechanism is not completely understood, neuroendocrine dysfunction is related to the pathogenesis of Tourette’s syndrome. Clinical characteristics of the disorder, including motor tics and coprolalia, are associated

Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Disseminated Histoplasmosis of the Adrenal Glands

A Vijayananthan, BJJ Abdullah, SP Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:152-4

Disseminated histoplasmosis is a rare and potentially fatal disease caused by the dimorphic soil fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. This report is of a 66-year-old man who was initially diagnosed with a tooth abscess that was revealed to be histoplasmosis at biopsy.

Correlation of Clinical Presentation, Radiography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Low Back Pain—a Preliminary Survey

PY Yong, NAA Alias, IL Shuaib

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:144-51

Purpose: To determine the correlation between clinical presentation, plain radiographic signs, and magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbosacral spine for patients with low back pain.

Patients and Methods: Fifty seven patients were included in this study and their clinical presentation,

Morbidity and Mortality of Invasive Procedures Performed at Caritas Medical Centre

KH Pay, YW Lee, L Ho, CT Wong, H Huang

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:137-43

Objective: Since more invasive procedures are being performed in radiology departments, this study was performed to ascertain the mortality and morbidity rate of these procedures as part of continuous quality improvement.

Patients and Methods: Five procedure categories of biopsy (lung,

Bolus Versus Continuous Infusion of Fluorouracil Plus Radiotherapy for Preoperative Treatment of Rectal Cancer

JS Gilroy, RA Zlotecki, WM Mendenhall, CG Morris, SR Schell, WR Rout,RJ Desnoyers, EM Copeland III, SN Hochwald

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:132-6

Objective: To evaluate preoperative bolus versus continuous infusion chemoradiation.

Patients and Methods: Sixty eight patients received either bolus fluorouracil or continuous infusion fluorouracil combined with radiotherapy.

Results: The pathologic stages for bolus fluorouracil, continuous infusion fluorouracil, and overall were pT0,

Advances in Mammography Have Improved Early Detection of Breast Cancer

KH Ng, M Muttarak

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:126-31

Breast cancer remains a leading cause of death among women throughout the world. The incidence is increasing globally and the disease remains a significant public health problem. Mammography is currently the best method to detect early breast cancer before it

Influence of Tumour Volume on the Probability of Local Control after Radiotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

WM Mendenhall, AA Mancuso, CG Morris, RJ Amdur, RW Hinerman, NP Mendenhall

Hong Kong J Radiol 2003;6:119-25

The purpose of this literature review is to determine the influence of the primary tumour volume on the likelihood of local control after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Tumour volume varies within T stage. The extent of this variability