
Effect of Cranial Irradiation on Pituitary Size in Patients Cured of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia: Retrospective Study

KK Shing, D Roebuck, MP Yuen, KW Chik, CK Li, YL Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:195-8

Objective: To evaluate the pituitary glands of patients previously treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with cranial irradiation.

Patients and Methods: Thirty nine patients who were cured of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and who were regularly followed up from 1979 to 1992

Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Galactography

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SHM Wong, TPW Lam, WK Tso

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:31-5

Galactography is an excellent tool for delineating and locating the cause of nipple discharge. The conventional approach involves cannulation of the secreting duct, followed by injection of contrast. However, it is sometimes difficult to identify the discharging duct

Concomitant Late Type II Endoleak with Recanalised Internal Iliac Artery and Type III Endoleak after Endovascular Aneurysm Repair of Aortoiliac Aneurysm

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WSW Chan, WL Poon, DHY Cho, SH Luk

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:27-30

An 86-year-old patient with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm and right common iliac artery aneurysm was treated with endovascular aneurysm repair with an endograft after internal iliac artery embolisation with coils, followed by cross-femoral bypass

Intrauterine Foetal Subdural Haemorrhage Visible on Computed Tomography Scan

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KY Kwok, SSM Lo, SQH Chou, KS Tse, YL Cheung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:24-6

Traumatic intrauterine foetal subdural haemorrhage is a rare condition. It is unusual to diagnose this condition by computed tomography scan because of the ionizing radiation hazard. This report describes the radiological findings of intrauterine foetal subdural

Spinal Angiolipoma

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R Koul, A Dubey

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:20-3

Spinal angiolipomas are rare benign tumours composed of mature lipocytes admixed with abnormal blood vessels. Spinal angiolipomas account for 0.14% to 1.20% of all spinal axis tumours and 2% to 3% of extradural spinal tumours. Extradural tumours usually

Alpha-Foetoprotein-producing Primary Rectal Adenocarcinoma

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R Koul, R Senno, A Dubey

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:16-9

This report is of a 44-year-old woman with an alpha-foetoprotein–producing rectal adenocarcinoma. At presentation, her serum alpha-foetoprotein was 158,334 μg/L, and investigation excluded other causes, such as gynaecological malignancy, hepatocellular carcinoma,

Amyloid Arthropathy - a Cause of an Asymptomatic Hip Mass

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G Soo, KK Lau

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:12-5

Dialysis-related beta-2-microglobulin amyloidosis is a well-recognised complication of long-term haemodialysis. The joints are preferentially affected. Most patients with amyloid arthropathy are asymptomatic, with the first symptom usually presenting as a highly

Long-term Results for Postoperative Radiotherapy Following Radical Hysterectomy for Stage IB Cervix Cancer

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KB Smith, RJ Amdur, AR Yeung, CG Morris, J Kirwan, L Morgan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:8-11

Objective: To evaluate the long-term outcomes of patients with stage IB cervix cancer who were selected for primary surgery because they were thought to be at low risk for needing postoperative radiotherapy following radical hysterectomy.

Microcalcifications on Screening Mammograms - Can Recall for Magnification View be Replaced by Analogue Magnification Using a Video Visualiser and Television?

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WCW Wong, EYL Kan, CY Lui, GKF Tam, LK Chan, HS Lam

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;12:3-7

Objective: To determine whether recall for magnification views for mammographic microcalcification can be replaced by analogue magnification using a video visualiser and standard television.

Methods: Mammograms of 141 patients that were positive for

Puerperal Ovarian Vein Thrombosis

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MMP Tong, AWH Ng, EHY Hung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:186-9

Puerperal ovarian vein thrombosis is an uncommon disease. This report describes a 37-year-old woman who presented with postpartum fever and right lower abdominal pain. Multidetector computed tomography scan showed extensive right ovarian vein thrombosis with

Haglund Syndrome - a Characteristic Cause of Posterior Heel Pain

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EHY Hung, WK Kwok, MMP Tong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:183-5

This report is of a 48-year-old man with a painful swelling of the left heel, who was diagnosed with Haglund syndrome. The characteristic radiographical and magnetic resonance imaging features are described.

An Unusual Cause of Spinal Cord Myelopathy

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CP Ding, J George, K Jayarani, P Jayalakshmi

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:179-82

Brown tumour (osteitis fibrosa cystica) occurring in the spine causing myelopathy is rare. This report is of a man with brown tumour of the spine, who presented with sudden backache and progressive lower limb weakness leading to a preliminary diagnosis of metastasis.

The Role of Chemical Shift Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Focal Fatty Replacement of the Pancreas

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HS Fung, S Lau, KS Tse, JWC Wai, WK Wong, KW Tang, SCH Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:176-8

Focal fatty replacement of the pancreas is a rare benign disease that has been associated with obesity, diabetes mellitus, chronic pancreatitis, hereditary pancreatitis, and obstruction of the pancreatic duct. This report of a 48-year-old woman with focal fatty

Bone Metastases from Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour: Correlation with Positron Emission Tomography - VComputed Tomography

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TYC Chu, CS Wong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:172-5

Bone metastasis from gastrointestinal stromal tumour is a rare outcome of this uncommon disease. This report is of a 73-year-old man with gastrointestinal stromal tumour who developed bone metastases after complete tumour resection. The condition is worthy of

An Unusual Presentation of Acute Appendicitis Complicated by Portal and Mesenteric Thrombophlebitis

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V Lai, HY Lau, WC Chan, CS Wong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:168-71

Portal and mesenteric thrombophlebitis is a well-documented but rare complication of acute appendicitis. The condition is caused by ascending infection and is potentially life threatening. Prompt diagnosis and treatment with surgery, antibiotics, and anticoagulants are

Pulmonary Epithelioid Haemangioendothelioma

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JSF Shum, SSW Lo, CWH Yeung, TM Chan, NL Sy, CS Cheng, KY Lau

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:164-7

This report is of a patient with pulmonary epithelioid haemangioendothelioma, a rare neoplasm. This report highlights the potential multicentric nature of this disease, which can be easily mistaken for widespread metastasis of unknown primary or granulomatous

Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome Demonstrated by Computed Tomography

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A Hegde, SB Desai

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:161-3

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is caused by narrowing of the angle between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery, resulting in compression of the third part of the duodenum. This report is of an elderly emaciated woman who presented with a history

Incidence, Causes, and Implications of Unsuccessful Calciication Retrieval at Stereotactic Breast Biopsy - 5 Years' Experience

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KMK Kwok, CY Lui, PYE Fung, LK Chan, HS Lam

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:154-60

Objective: To determine the incidence, causes, and implications of calcification retrieval failure at stereotactic breast biopsy.

Stratifying Risk for Malignancy Using Microcalciication Descriptors from the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System 4th Edition: Experience in a Single Centre in Hong Kong

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KKK Chan, CY Lui, T Chu, KK Chan, AT Yan, K Wong, PY Fung, LK Chan, HS Lam

Hong Kong J Radiol 2009;11:149-53

Objective: To evaluate whether categorisation of microcalcification descriptors based on the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System 4th edition can stratify the risk for malignancy using pathology results of biopsies as the gold standard.

Standard-dose Prescription of Radioiodine Therapy for Thyrotoxicosis: the Queen Mary Hospital Experience

C Kwok, L Lui, PM Wu, M Law, E Cheung, A Cheng, CC Yau

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:187-94

Objective: To review the treatment outcome of a cohort of thyrotoxic patients treated with a standardised regimen of radioactive iodine.

Patients and Methods: Between January and December 2000, a total of 177 patients with a diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis were

Effect of Age on Presentation, Management, and Outcome of Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: Retrospective Study

SM Chow, CK Kwan, PCM Poon, SCK Law

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:181-6

Objective: To investigate the effect of age on presentation, management, and outcome of differentiated thyroid carcinoma.

Patients and Methods: Records of a cohort of 1369 patients who presented between 1960 and 2000 to the Department of Clinical Oncology at the

Update in Breast Cancer Screening

HS Lam

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:171-80

Breast cancer screening by mammography has been practised in many countries on the basis of the results of published randomised controlled trials. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the validity of these trials. This review presents a

Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Ischaemic Heart Disease


Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:166-70

Magnetic resonance imaging has assumed an increasingly important role in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with ischaemic heart disease. For patients presenting with acute chest pain, it is essential to diagnose acute coronary syndrome and to treat these patients

Choledochol Cysts: a Variety of Imaging Presentations in Adults

WH Luk, EPY Fung, TKL Loke, JCS Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:154-9

Choledochal cyst is a rare entity usually presenting in infancy; hence, the literature on adult choledochal cyst is scarce. This article reviews findings of choledochal cysts in 31 adult patients who presented to the United Christian Hospital between 1997 and

Malignant Mesenchymoma Presenting as a Paraspinal Mass in a 14-year-old Boy

HS Fung, JLY Leung, SJ Shu, YL Lam, ACL Chan, SCH Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:149-53

Malignant mesenchymoma is a rare soft-tissue tumour. We report a case of malignant mesenchymoma in a 14-year-old boy who presented with a rapidly growing mass on his back. Computed tomography revealed a slightly hypodense tumour with heterogeneous contrast enhancement and

Intraosseous Lipoma: Report of 2 Cases

FCY Lam, JLY Leung, SJ Shu, ACL Chan, MK Chan, DHS Fung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:145-8

Intraosseous lipoma is a rare benign bone tumour. This report presents 2 cases of intraosseous lipoma: 1 occurring in the right intertrochanteric region of a 67-year-old man and 1 at the left distal fibula of a 72-year-old woman. For the

Isolated Haemorrhagic Brain Metastasis from Lung Adenocarcinoma in a 68-year-old Man

ASC Ching, PN Chan, HK Ng, KM Tse, YL Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:140-4

A solitary brain tumour originating from a lung adenocarcioma in a 68-year-old man is reported. The imaging features were discordant with the clinical picture and prompted surgery and subsequent histological examination. Results of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging suggested

A Case of Breast Cancer with Diabetic Mastopathy: Radiological and Pathological Correlation

EPY Fung, KF Tam, Li Allen, WF Yuen, J Lo, JCS Chan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:137-9

Diabetic mastopathy is a rare condition that occurs in young diabetic patients. The lesion may mimic a breast tumour because of its high degree of fibrosis and inflammation. This report describes a case of diabetic mastopathy

Radiation Dose to Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures in Selected Hospitals in Malaysia: Retrospective Study

B Sapiin, KH Ng, BJJ Abdullah

Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:129-36

Objective: To study doses received by patients undergoing various interventional radiology (cardiac and non-cardiac) procedures.

Patients and Methods: A total of 310 patients undergoing cardiac procedures in 6 selected hospitals in Malaysia between July 2000 and May 2001 were studied