Original Articles

Testicular Lymphoma: Clinical and Imaging Features

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N Pattamapaspong, K Khomarwut, C Ya-In, B Lojanapiwat, M Muttarak

Hong Kong J Radiol 2016;19:4-9

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1615350

Objective: To review the clinical presentation and imaging features of testicular lymphoma.

Is There a Correlation between Computed Tomography Scanning of the Acute Abdomen and Associated Surgical Outcomes?

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SY Tan, BP Waxman

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:282-6

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515301

Objectives: To determine the correlation between computed tomography (CT) scanning in evaluating the acute abdomen and the associated surgical outcome.

Methods: This was a retrospective observational study of 362 patients (198 females, 164 males) admitted

Effect of Transarterial Chemoembolisation in Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Portal Vein Tumour Thrombosis: Single-centre Study

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KL Siu, PY Chu, HW Lau, CX Chan, SK Ip

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:277-81

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515316

Objectives: To determine the effect of transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) on liver function and procedure-related mortality in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and portal vein tumour thrombosis (PVTT).

Appendicitis Computed Tomography Score: a Useful Tool for Predicting Perforation and Surgical Course of Acute Appendicitis

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BMH Lai, CY Chu, BST Leung, VKP Fung, DTF Lee, THT Sung, JLS Khoo

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:267-76

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515310

Objective: To investigate the utility of the Appendicitis Computed Tomography (ACT) scoring system in the diagnosis of perforated appendicitis and prediction of surgical outcome.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted

Modification of Management Algorithm of Radiologically Suspected Pancreatic and Biliary Malignancy by Incorporation of Local Experience of Autoimmune Pancreatitis

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CYH Chan, DHS Fung, VWT Chan, OK Wong, SKY Kwok, WK Wong, KW Tang

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:260-6

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515308

Objectives: To review the clinical and pathological features of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) in a tertiary referral centre in Hong Kong, and to determine preoperative factors that facilitate diagnosis of AIP in order to

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features and Assessment of Local Extent of Localised Giant Cell Tumour of the Tendon Sheath in Fingers

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PY Chu, JPK Tsang, WY Wong, WCS Chan, KW Ng, MK Yuen

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:205-14

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515296

Objectives: To determine the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of localised giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath in fingers and to evaluate the preoperative diagnostic performance of MR imaging in assessment of the local tumour extent.

Infection Rate of Hickman Catheters Versus Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheters in Oncology Patients

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WY Wong, WCS Chan, SK Ip, WK Ng, CX Chan, HM Ho, KL Siu, CB Tan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:197-204

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514289

Objective: To compare the incidence of catheter-related infection in the bloodstream and non-infectious complication rate of Hickman catheter and peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC) in oncology patients.

N-Butyl Cyanoacrylate Embolisation for Acute Arterial Haemorrhage and Pseudoaneurysms in Extracranial Locations

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KK Cheng, SCH Lam, DHY Cho, S Lau

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:187-96

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514290

Objective: To review the technical feasibility and effectiveness of N-butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA; Histoacryl, B. Braun, Melsungen, Germany) embolisation to control acute arterial haemorrhage and embolisation of pseudoaneurysms in extracranial locations.

Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma as a Risk Factor for Extracranial Carotid Stenosis. Is It Also a Risk Factor for Intracranial Arteries? A Retrospective Case-control Study

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PY Chu, JPK Tsang, WY Wong, WCS Chan, WL Poon, MK Yuen, YC Wong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:180-6

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514293

Objective: Carotid duplex ultrasound has revealed that radiotherapy is associated with stenosis of the extracranial carotid arteries in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). The objective of the study was to

Incidental Breast Masses on Ultrasound: What are Their Characteristics and Clinical Outcome?

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VYK To, CY Lee, CX Chan, SL Fung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:146-50

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514292

Objective: To evaluate the characteristics and clinical outcome of non-palpable breast lesions screened by ultrasound.

Methods: From January 2011 to June 2011, all new cases

Impact of Background Parenchymal Enhancement in Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Breast Assessment for Women with Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer

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WS Wan, CY Lee, CY Lui

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:141-5

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514252

Objectives: To determine the influence of background parenchymal enhancement (BPE) in preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) breast assessment and its impact on

A Study on the Performance of Breast One-Stop Clinic in Queen Elizabeth Hospital

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WSE Fok, WL Poon, KM Chu, CY Lee, CW Lee, KS Tse, WC Wai, LF Chiu

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:134-40

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514243

Objectives: To evaluate the breast One-Stop Clinic (OSC) performance in Queen Elizabeth Hospital from December 2011 to November 2012.

Methods: Patient attendances and clinical data

Sonographic Visibility and Feasibility of Biopsy under Ultrasound Guidance of Suspicious Microcalcification-only Breast Lesions: a Single-centre Study

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TE Kim, DB Kim, JH Jung, EK Lee

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:125-33

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1514264

Objectives: To assess the sonographic visibility and feasibility of biopsy under ultrasound guidance of mammographically suspicious microcalcification-only lesions.

Methods: A retrospective review was performed

Male Breast Cancer in Hong Kong: 15-Year Experience from a Tertiary Institution

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JCH Chow, RKC Ngan

Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:119-24

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515320

Objective: Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease entity and few data are available for the Chinese population. This study aimed to report MBC data