Acute / Subacute Development of Diffuse Left Ventricular Myocardial Calcification in Sepsis Associated with High Mortality

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WCS Chan, JPK Tsang, YW Hon, YC Wong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2016;19:e1-5

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1615347

Diffuse myocardial calcification is very rare and can be either dystrophic or metastatic. Acute / subacute development of diffuse myocardial calcification of the left ventricle in an acute setting has been rarely reported but is found in a septic patient in our case. We believe that the cause of myocardial calcification is likely multifactorial. In particular, high-dose inotropic support is likely a contributing cause of calcification due to cardiomyopathy. More importantly, it is associated with very poor cardiac function and high mortality.






