Radiolabelled Somatostatin Analogues for Single-photon Emission Scintigraphy

E Nowosinska, JR Buscombe

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;13:175-80

One of the areas where nuclear medicine has proved effective has been in the imaging of somatostatin receptor expressing tumours. These can be overexpressed in a number of tumours, but are most commonly seen in a family of

tumours called neuroendocrine tumours. The ability to visualise a particular tumour site depends on the affinity of the radiopeptide for the somatostatin receptors expressed by that tumour. The most widely used such peptide is Indium-111 (111In)-pentetreotide, which is commercially available in many countries. It is possible to change the peptide chain to affect affinities to tumours, but no other 111Indium-labelled agent has become more widely used, partly due to costs. More recent work has concentrated on technetium-99m (99mTc)-labelled tracers including 99mTechnetium-depreotide used for lung cancer imaging and 99mTechnetium-EDDA/HYNIC-octreotate, which combines optimal tumour affinity and imaging characteristics.




E Nowosinska、JR Buscombe
