Parsonage-Turner Syndrome: an Uncommon Cause of Shoulder Pain Diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging

SG Jakhere, D Yadav, P Narekar

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;13:205-8

The clinical presentation of Parsonage-Turner syndrome often entails acute-onset shoulder pain, which may be confused with other entities such as rotator cuff tear, acute calcific tendonitis, adhesive capsulitis, cervical spondylosis, peripheral compressive

neuropathy, acute poliomyelitis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Although it is a well-known entity, its appearance on magnetic resonance imaging has rarely been described. Radiologists should be familiar with this entity as radiological features might provide the first clue to the diagnosis. Multiple aetiological factors have been proposed to explain the underlying mechanism including a post-viral or autoimmune process, drugs, injections, burns and anaesthesia, though the exact pathogenesis still remains unclear. We present a case of a patient referred for magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder to evaluate shoulder pain who was finally diagnosed to have Parsonage-Turner syndrome on the basis of the classical magnetic resonance imaging findings.




SG Jakhere、D Yadav、P Narekar
