Unilateral Arteriovenous Malformation Associated with Moyamoya Disease

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PD Chan, K Rahmat, N Ramli, KA Kadir

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;12:182-5

The presence of moyamoya disease with a brain arteriovenous malformation is extremely rare. The high incidence of morbidity in such cases suggests that this combination of features confers an ominous outlook, whilst the association between these two entities remains unclear. We present a case of acute intracerebral haemorrhage in a patient with unilateral moyamoya and arteriovenous malformation. We also discuss the possible pathogenesis of these two different vascular diseases occurring in combination.




PD Chan, K Rahmat, N Ramli, KA Kadir

Moyamoya病患者同時出現腦動靜脈畸形的情況非常罕見。直至現時為止仍然未清楚這兩種病之間的 關係。患者的罹病率很高,出現的病徵組合令患者康復機會不大。本文報告一名患有單側Moyamoya 病與腦動靜脈畸形的病人出現急性腦內出血,並討論這兩種血管病的可能致病機理。