Colonic Perforation during Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Treated Conservatively

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M Tan, P Uei, PS Jaywantraj, D Wong

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;12:117-21

Colonic perforation is a rare complication occurring during percutaneous nephrostomy. This report describes a patient with this complication, which was clinically silent. The patient was treated by conversion of the nephrostomy to a colostomy, followed by removal of the nephrostomy catheter. Similar cases reported in the literature have been treated conservatively. As colonic perforation is often contained in the retroperitoneum, the condition has a mild clinical presentation. This report discusses the anatomical variants and risk factors that contribute to colonic perforation, and outlines the principles of treatment without the need for surgical intervention.




M Tan, P Uei, PS Jaywantraj, D Wong

結腸穿孔是經皮腎鏡取石術的少見手術併發症之一。本文報導一例存在該併發症但臨床表現隱匿的 患者情況。術中首先將患者腎臟造瘺轉換為結腸造瘺,隨後拔除腎造瘺管。文獻報導中類似病例採 取保守治療。由於結腸穿孔通常局限於腹膜外腔,因此患者臨床症狀較輕。本文將討論誘發結腸穿 孔的解剖變異和危險因素,並歸納非手術治療的原則。