Role of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Management of Ischaemic Heart Disease


Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:166-70

Magnetic resonance imaging has assumed an increasingly important role in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with ischaemic heart disease. For patients presenting with acute chest pain, it is essential to diagnose acute coronary syndrome and to treat these patients as soon as possible. Recent studies have shown that cine magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance perfusion are feasible in patients presenting with acute chest pain. Magnetic resonance imaging allows the detection of transmural and non-transmural ischaemia, and is more specific and accurate than observing echocardiographic changes. Magnetic resonance viability scanning also allows the evaluation of the extent of infarction and might play a role in the selection of patients for angioplasty. Magnetic resonance coronary artery angiography is currently more of a research than diagnostic tool. The spatial resolution and contrastto- noise ratio of magnetic resonance imaging are expected to improve further with parallel imaging, high-field magnets, and the development of new intravascular contrast.