External Beam Radiotherapy for Hurthle Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid
JG Brabham, CG Morris, RJ Amdur, WM Mendenhall
Hong Kong J Radiol 2004;7:70-1
Objective: To analyse the efficacy of external beam radiotherapy in patients with Hürthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid treated with curative intent.
Patients and Methods: Five patients received postoperative radiotherapy for suspected subclinical (3 patients) or gross residual (2 patients) disease after surgery. Patients were followed up from 15 to 72 months (median, 33 months).
Results: All the cancers were locally controlled. At last follow-up, 1 patient was alive and disease-free, 3 patients were alive with distant metastases, and 1 patient had died of intercurrent disease. No patient experienced a severe complication.
Conclusions: Hürthle cell carcinomas of the thyroid are likely to be radiosensitive, and external beam radiotherapy should be considered for patients with likely subclinical or gross residual disease after surgery.