Complications in Computed Tomography Examination after Injecting Contrast Medium through an Implanted Port: a Case Report
J Yoon, S Kim, JH Jo
Hong Kong J Radiol 2019;22:142-5
Many patients undergo computed tomography examination with contrast medium injection for improved diagnostic accuracy. In practice, it is tempting to use an implanted port to inject contrast medium in patients with poor peripheral access. We present a case of extravasation after intravenous contrast injection using a power injector through an implanted port. Several errors could have been avoided by exercising caution. A radiologist with knowledge of implanted ports should assist the clinician during patient management.
Author affiliation(s):
J Yoon, S Kim, JH Jo: Department of Radiology, Dong-A University Hospital, Republic of Korea
J Yoon、S Kim、JH Jo