Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Alcohol-induced Encephalopathies

Full Article

HJ Baek, K Bae, KN Jeon, DS Choi, HS Shin, KH Lee

Hong Kong J Radiol 2018;21:58-64

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1616412

Alcohol has direct and indirect toxic effects on the brain, such as oxidative metabolism, inflammatory reactions, and DNA damage.

This article describes neuroimaging findings of alcohol-induced encephalopathies including brain atrophy, osmotic demyelination syndrome, Marchiafava-Bignami disease, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Symptoms of these disorders are often non-specific, so a thorough understanding of neuroimaging findings is important for prompt diagnoses and treatment.





HJ Baek, K Bae, KN Jeon, DS Choi, HS Shin, KH Lee


酒精對腦部有直接和間接的毒性作用,如氧化代謝物、炎症反應和DNA損傷。本文描述多種酒精誘 發腦病,包括腦萎縮、滲透性脫髓鞘綜合徵、Marchiafava-Bignami病、Wernicke腦病、肝性腦病和酒 精戒斷綜合徵的神經影像。這些疾病的症狀通常是非特異性的,因此全面了解其神經影像對於及時 診斷和治療是很重要的。