Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Prostate Cancer

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KYK Wong, CYH Chan, KY Kwok, WK Wong, KW Tang

Hong Kong J Radiol 2016;19:64-73

DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1615299

Prostate cancer is a common entity in elderly men. Diagnosis is based on histology obtained from transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsies, whereas magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can be used for local staging of prostate cancer. MR features of extracapsular extension are particularly important as it leads to upstaging of the tumour and significantly affects both treatment and prognosis. The purpose of this review was to demonstrate the MR imaging appearance of different stages of prostate cancer. MR spectroscopy can also aid in improving the diagnosis. Accurate staging can ensure appropriate management and prevent recurrence due to inadequate treatment.






