Extensive Soft Tissue Necrosis Due to Extravasation of Computed Tomography Contrast Medium
JH Kwon, JS Kim, SR Eo
Hong Kong J Radiol 2015;18:240-2
DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1515315
Extravasation of contrast medium is a complication of contrast-enhanced computed tomography studies. Clinical presentations include minimal swelling, erythema and, when the extravasated volume is large, ulceration, compartment syndrome, and skin necrosis. Here we present an 80-year-old woman with progressive swelling and extensive soft tissue necrosis of the dorsal left hand due to contrast medium extravasation. After treatment by skin graft, she showed no long-term complications. Patients at risk for contrast medium extravasation should be closely monitored and appropriately managed.
JH Kwon、JS Kim、SR Eo