Aortoesophageal Fistula Complicating Thoracic Aorta Stent-graft Placement
JCM Sitt, BK Paunipagar, DD Rasalkar
Hong Kong J Radiol 2013;16:61-4
DOI: 10.12809/hkjr1311062
This report is of a 75-year-old man with aortoesophageal fistula complicating aortic stent-graft placement for ruptured thoracic aneurysm. The clinical presentation, pathophysiology, imaging features, and treatment options of this condition are discussed. High clinical suspicion correlated with clinical features (massive haematemesis, new-onset fever, and raised inflammatory markers) and use of computed tomography and endoscopy are crucial for prompt diagnosis.
薛靜雯、BK Paunipagar、DD Rasalkar
本文報告一名75歲男子患有主動脈食管瘺合併因胸部動脈瘤破裂的主動脈覆膜支架置入。本文討論 了其臨床表現、病理學、影像學特徵,以及該指徵的治療方案。保持對該病相關臨床症狀的高度警 惕性(劇烈嘔血、突發高熱及炎症標誌物升高)及運用電腦斷層掃描、內窺鏡技術對及時診斷至為 重要。