Case Sharing in T-cell Lymphomas and Review of Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma
YK Lam
Hong Kong J Radiol 2012;15(Suppl):S81-4
Mature T-cell and natural killer–cell neoplasms can be classified into four categories based on site: cutaneous, extranodal, nodal, and leukaemic. Subtypes within these categories may be aggressive or indolent, with some indolent cases potentially undergoing aggressive transformation. However, both indolent and aggressive cases are potentially manageable with appropriate therapy. In this report, four patients, representing the four sites of disease, are described: cutaneous — mycosis fungoides; extranodal — natural killer/T–cell lymphoma nasal type; nodal — angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma; and leukaemic — adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma. The published literature on potential therapeutic options for angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma is reviewed.
成熟的T細胞和自然殺手細胞腫瘤可按其病發位置分為以下四類:皮膚、淋巴結外、結節和類白血 病。這些類別中可再分為侵襲型或緩慢型,但部分的緩慢型有可能會演變為侵襲型。然而,無論是 侵襲型或緩慢型,均可施以適當治療以控制病情。本文報告四宗分別在不同位置的病例:皮膚(蕈 樣肉芽腫)、淋巴結外(自然殺手/T細胞淋巴瘤—鼻腔型)、結節(血管免疫母細胞性T細胞淋巴 瘤),以及類白血病(成人T細胞白血病/淋巴瘤)。此外,本文會回顧文獻中有關血管免疫母細胞 性T細胞淋巴瘤的治療選擇。