Neurogenic Tumour Mimicker: Two Cases of Neurolymphomatosis
JWC Wai, MK Chan, KW Tang, SCH Chan
Hong Kong J Radiol 2012;15:187-91
Infiltration of the peripheral nervous system by lymphoma is termed neurolymphomatosis. Prior to identification of the causative B lymphocyte, neurolymphomatosis was the least common clinical presentation of nervous system lymphoma. Neurolymphomatosis can easily be misdiagnosed as neurogenic tumour from imaging at the first presentation. This report describes two patients with neurolymphomatosis with characteristic sonographic, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography features.
淋巴瘤侵入周圍神經系統的情況被稱為神經淋巴瘤病。在未有分辨到誘發的B淋巴細胞前,神經淋 巴瘤病被視為神經系統淋巴瘤的最罕見表現。在病發初期,單憑影像學很容易把神經淋巴瘤病誤診 為神經源性腫瘤。本文報告兩宗神經淋巴瘤病的病例報告,它們均有超聲、磁共振影像及正子攝影 影像的特徵。