Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis as the First Manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
WL Yu, KSS Bhatia, K Wang
Hong Kong J Radiol 2012;15:119-24
Hypertrophic pachymeningitis, characterised by focal or diffuse thickening of the dura mater, is an uncommon condition. An increasing number of cases have been reported for its association with underlying autoimmune and connective tissue diseases. We report the case of a Chinese woman with hypertrophic pachymeningitis as the first and only clinical manifestation for her underlying systemic lupus erythematosus, with histological confirmation of the diagnosis.
余黃莉、Bhatia KSS、王琪
肥厚性硬腦膜兒炎是一種較為少見的情況,病人會出現硬腦膜的局部性或瀰漫性增厚。愈來愈多的 病例顯示此病與潛在的自體性免疫及結締組織病有關。本文報告一名紅斑性狼瘡症女性患者,經組 織學確認,她首發及唯一的症狀是肥厚性硬腦膜兒炎。