Computed Tomographic Angiography Findings in Spontaneous Intracranial Haemorrhage: Correlation with Digital Subtraction Angiography

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KW Leung, KH Fung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2012;15:125-30

In this pictorial essay, computed tomographic angiography findings in various cerebrovascular diseases that lead to spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage are illustrated. They include aneurysm, intracranial dissection, brain arteriovenous malformation, dural arteriovenous fistula, Moyamoya disease, and developmental venous anomalies. Correlation with digital subtraction angiography is provided for each computed tomographic angiography illustration.





本圖片回顧展示引致自發性顱內出血的各種心血管疾病的電腦斷層血管造影術結果。這些心血管疾 病包括動脈瘤、顱內血管夾層、腦動靜脈畸形、硬腦膜動靜脈瘻、煙霧病、及腦發育性靜脈異常。 本文內每個電腦斷層血管造影圖都附有相關的數字減影血管造影圖以作參考。