Clinical Radiological Conferences Outside the Radiology Department: Can This be Done Better?
KC Chan, WCW Chu, CM Chu
Hong Kong J Radiol 2011;14:207-11
Objective: To improve the workflow of clinical radiological conferences held outside radiology department, where a radiology workstation is unavailable.
Methods: Instead of printing out hardcopy of the representative images or saving them into mobile storage device, we used our department’s notebook computer to connect to the hospital intranet by wireless networking and browsed the images stored in an advanced image server with pre-processing and remote accessing functions. For examinations performed in other hospitals, we used the electronic patient record system.
Results: Improvement in efficiency and cost reduction were achieved as there was no need to process the images and print out hardcopy. Patient privacy protection was enhanced as mobile storage device was not involved. Security was ensured as only computers previously registered and approved by the information technology department were enabled to connect to the hospital intranet and authentication was still required for connecting to the intranet and logging into the server. Real-time advanced post-processing functions, such as 3D volumerendering and multiplanar reformatting, were available and could facilitate clinical decision making (such as preoperative planning). Discussion on imaging performed in other hospitals before patient transfer to our hospital was also facilitated.
Conclusion: Adopting the electronic network-based workflow for clinical radiological conferences held outside the radiology department can save money and time, enhance patient privacy protection, and improve user satisfaction compared to traditional means. It does not entail storing captured images into mobile storage device or printing hardcopy.
目的:於放射部門以外沒有影像工作站的場地舉行臨床影像研討會的情況下,探討如何改善工作流 程。
方法:我們不再把代表性圖像打印或存放在流動存儲設備中。取而代之,我們使用本部門的手提電 腦,通過無線網絡接駁醫院內聯網,然後通過有前處理及遙距接駁功能的圖像伺服器瀏覽圖像。如果檢查在其他醫院完成,則使用電子病歷紀錄系統。
結果:由於無須處理圖像及打印圖像,因此可提高效率及減省成本。病人的私隱亦因為未有牽涉流 動存儲設備而受到保障。只有預先經資訊科技部門登記以及認可的電腦才可接駁醫院內聯網,而登 入醫院內聯網及圖像伺服器亦需要密碼認證及識別,此舉可保障病人資料安全。另外有實時後處理 功能,如立體影像及多平面影像重建,從而加快了臨床決策(如術前規劃)。討論病人轉介到本院 之前已在其他醫院完成的影像檢查,亦變得更便利。
結論:在放射部門以外的場地舉行臨床影像研討會,與傳統的方法比較,採用電子網絡的工作流程 可以提高效率及減省成本,保障病人的私隱,並提高使用者的滿意度。這方法無須把圖像存放到流 動存儲設備並避免打印片子。