Traumatic Paediatric Retroclival Epidural Haematoma
MH Al-Omari, OM Albtoush, LA Rousan
Hong Kong J Radiol 2011;14:178-82
Retroclival epidural haematoma is a very rare type of haematoma that occurs mainly in the paediatric agegroup, as a result of ligamentous laxity at the craniocervical junction. All previously reported cases were pedestrians or cyclists hit by a motor vehicle and most were treated conservatively. Reconstructed computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is essential for diagnosis. We describe a 5-year-old boy with retroclival epidural haematoma who presented with a unilateral abducens nerve palsy.
MH Al-Omari、OM Albtoush、LA Rousan
斜坡後方硬膜外血腫是一種極為罕見的血腫,主要發生在小孩身上,因顱頸交界處有韌帶鬆弛而引 致。文獻中報告的病例全都是因為行人或單車人士被汽車撞倒,大部分傷者都施以保守治療。重建 CT或磁共振影像對於診斷此病有莫大幫助。本文報告一名五歲男孩出現斜坡後方硬膜外血腫,病發 時有單側外展神經麻痺。