Primary Epidural Spinal Lymphoma: a Rare Disease Entity

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RKL Lee, TCY Cheung, EHY Yuen, AT Ahuja

Hong Kong J Radiol 2011;14:170-3

Primary spinal epidural lymphoma is a rare entity and one of the differential diagnoses of an epidural spinal mass. This report describes two patients who presented with symptoms of cord compression subsequently proven to be due to primary spinal epidural lymphoma. The imaging features of this condition are discussed.




李嘉樂、張智欣、袁學遠、AT Ahuja

原發性脊柱硬膜外淋巴瘤十分罕見,為脊髓硬膜外腫塊鑒別診斷之一。本文描述兩名患者病發時有 脊髓壓迫症狀,後被確診為原發性脊柱硬膜外淋巴瘤。本文同時討論此症的影像學。