Quantity Insufficient Lesions in Ultrasonography-guided Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast Lesions

CKK Wong, SLA Fung

Hong Kong J Radiol 2011;14:10-4

Objective: To reassess 'quantity insufficient' fine-needle aspiration cytology breast lesions and explore ways to minimise such reporting.

Methods: Ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology of breast lesions performed in 2009 and labelled 'quantity insufficient' were reviewed. The nature and size of lesion, the fine-needle aspiration cytology needle size, the number of passes, years of sampling experience of the respective radiologist, and outcome of the lesion / patient were assessed.

Results: A total of 593 women, having 673 breast lesions of Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System of R2 or above, underwent ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology during the defined period. In all, 88 lesions (all hypoechoic) in 76 women (24-78 years old) with at least one 'quantity insufficient' report in 2009 were identified. Most fine-needle aspiration cytology was performed by two passes with a 22G hypodermic needle. All were performed by radiologists with experience in such biopsies ranging from 1 to more than 10 years. Most lesions were 5 mm to less than 10 mm in size. The fine-needle aspiration cytology reported as 'quantity insufficient' had a rate of 15%, and the mean number of aspiration attempts for each lesion was 1.8. Five lesions eventually underwent core biopsy or excision. Of the 88 lesions, 40 (45%) were benign lesions, 12 (14%) were cysts, and 3 (3%) were fat lobules. Based on interval ultrasounds, 20 (23%) of the lesions were static or shrunken, and 5 (6%) were not found; the remainders were pending interval ultrasound.

Conclusion: The rate at which ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration breast lesion cytology reported as 'quantity insufficient' could be minimised by remarking the nature of lesion, modifying the method of sampling, and maximising interdepartmental communication. More than 90% of 'quantity insufficient' lesions were eventually found to be benign or static on repeated fine-needle aspiration cytology or follow-up.







