Two Children with Pancreatoblastomas

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DD Rasalkar, BK Paunipagar, WCW Chu

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;13:133-6

Pancreatoblastoma is a rare primary pancreatic neoplasm occurring in children. This report describes two paediatric patients with pancreatoblastomas with characteristic sonographic and computed tomographic features. Characteristic clinical and imaging features, and the differential diagnosis are discussed.




DD Rasalkar、BK Paunipagar、朱昭穎

胰腺母細胞瘤是一種罕見的發生在兒童的原發性胰腺惡性腫瘤。本文報告有超聲波及電腦斷層造影 特徵的兩名胰腺母細胞瘤小兒患者。並討論此病的臨床、影像學特徵及其鑒別診斷。