Mycotic Aneurysm of an Intercostal Artery: a Rare Cause of Haemothorax

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WP Chu, LF Cheng

Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;13:144-8

Causes of haemothorax include trauma, pulmonary or pleural neoplasm, pulmonary infarction and coagulopathy. Mycotic aneurysm of an intercostal artery is a rare cause of haemothorax. We report on a 60-year-old man who had a mycotic aneurysm of the right 12th thoracic (T12) intercostal artery, which was shown by computed tomography of the thorax and subsequently confirmed by angiography.





血胸的病因包括創傷、肺部或胸膜腫瘤、肺梗塞及凝血性疾病。肋間動脈霉菌性動脈瘤是血胸的一 個罕見病因。本文報告一名60歲男性,經胸部電腦斷層造影發現其右側12肋間動脈霉菌性動脈瘤, 其後經血管造影進一步確診此症。