Institutional Experience of Magnetic Resonance Urography in Children: a Pictorial Essay with Literature Review
DD Rasalkar, WCW Chu
Hong Kong J Radiol 2010;13:161-70
Conventional imaging studies such as ultrasonography, intravenous urography, micturating cystourethrography, and radionuclide scintigraphy are the basic investigations used in daily clinical practice for the diagnosis and monitoring of obstructive uropathy in children. Magnetic resonance urography imaging has emerged during the last 10 years, owing to its potential and success as a means of solving problems related to various pathological conditions. The purpose of this paper was to present an institutional experience on magnetic resonance urography in children. The techniques involved and their indications together with a review of literature are discussed.
DD Rasalkar、朱昭穎
傳統的影像學例如超聲波、靜脈泌路造影、排尿性膀胱尿路造影及放射性核素顯像是日常用作診斷及 檢測小兒阻塞性尿路病變的基本方法。由於磁力共振尿路成像可以有效地檢測不同病況,此技術最近 十年間漸漸普及。本文探討一所機構對小兒磁力共振尿路成像的經驗,並討論涉及的技術及指證,並 作文獻回顧。